Unlock The Power of
Your Menstrual Cycle

Know yourself.
Live with purpose.
Surrender to Gods design.

Work With Jeannette

Free Masterclass
  • The first step is always the hardest, so I am putting together a free live masterclass for June 5th, 2024 at 6pm EST. Sign up for our free masterclass. You'll learn how periods works, the different menstrual cycle phases, why we get irregular periods, and what surrender to to God through your cycle looks like, as a bonus you'll recieve a period cycle chart. You come out of it having valuable insights that will help you make better choices, enhance your lifestyle and improve your health.
3 Month 1:1 Coaching
  • My 3 month program is a full body detox. We detox the mind, body, and spirit. The aim of this program is to explore all necessary avenues to balance hormones, overcome painful and irregular periods, mood swings, anxiety, infertility, etc. As we move through these sessions you will have a greater understanding of the menstrual cycle phases, and the wisdom it holds, all while getting closer to God, embracing His perfect design, and becoming more holy and whole.
    Experience tailored 1:1 coaching personalized guidance, and accountability to reach your goals and achieve your optimal health
Lifestyle Audit
  • If you're ready to invest in your health but are not yet ready to make a big investment, this one is for you. In this audit I will assess the state of your menstrual cycle, your current lifestyle, eating habits, mindset, emotion processing, and make recommendations based on your needs, that you can begin applying immediately.

There is power & wisdom
in your menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle has been coined the fifth vital sign because of how important it is.

In Chinese medicine, we are taught the importance of the menstrual cycle, it gives us a peak into a women’s health. It can tell us what is happening hormonally, and show us what organs are being implicated based off symptoms.

This powerful tool that God built into us as women helps us pinpoint where there are imbalances, and is the most feminine thing we have as women, it is absolutely unique to us, and is the blueprint I use to begin healing the mind, body, and spirit. When we embrace this intimate part of us rather than disregard it or view it as a monthly annoyance our health becomes vibrant, and we unlock our true potential in life. 

I invite you to flow within your feminine design, and become rooted purpose


Who Is The Rooted Woman?

The rooted woman is secure in Christ, and she is secure in herself
She displays confidence in the gifts and talents  God has given her, but she is humble, and knows that all glory belongs to Him who made her

The rooted woman treats her body with gratitude, she knows that her mindbody, and spirit are a temple of God, and it is her desire to keep her temple healthy and balanced, so that she may be ready to get up and go where ever God wants her to go. 

The rooted woman is a reflection of God’s perfect design for her, she embodies femininity, and strength, and is of a sound mind. She practices self-love to honor her creator, and honor the life He has given her. She sees herself as worthy of love, because He sees her worthy of love.

Are you ready to become the rooted woman? 

About Me

Hi! I am Jeannette Guerrero, 

I am a faith led holistic womens coach. I have my masters in Chinese Medicine, and am a licensed acupuncturist. I am also a functional medicine practitioner. Prior to this I went to school for psychology, and worked as an EMT, God has had me in the industry of helping people for over a decade!

My specialty is in women’s health, I have worked with and have helped many women in my practice, and I have also personally struggled with pms, and pcos and I know how debilitating it can be firsthand.

In this process of healing myself God has put this desire to help other women going through the same thing, and in way that points back to Him. It has been incredible so far.

My approach to balancing hormones and healing the menstrual cycle is deep work that actually heals your soul, ignites your passion for life, and aligns you back into purpose


Cant wait to work together!